#351 Accent

10 thoughts on “#351 Accent

  1. What in the world kind of accent is that?

    1. Little Voodoo Dolly

      I believe that’s the “Drunken German Nazi” dialect.

    2. To this DAY I’m not sure what kind of accent this was.

      It was something I could never replicate with my voice, much less in writing. Literally, I could understand every word she was saying EXCEPT the two words I needed to.

      1. Are you sure you were not being trolled in real life. Like a weirder version of one of those ‘Oh my god. I was just minding my own business when I my dog.’ ‘You ever had that happen to you? You are just going along and suddenly you your dog. It’s weird when that happens isn’t it!’

        1. Not sure…There’ve been a couple of occasions where I’m pretty sure I was being played for a fool, but this woman’s distress at my not being able to understand her seemed genuine…

        2. I can see the distress on her stick-figure face. Honestly felt bad for you both.

  2. George the Archon

    ‘Sounds’ like a French accent to me!

    (But then, I am English, so my own accent may come to bear here 🙂

  3. Good guesses, all. But I really still have NO clue where this woman was from O_o

  4. gee. this woulda been rude but we we all know you should have asked.

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