#350 Gross

15 thoughts on “#350 Gross

  1. Well, Cats were know for their magical abilities in the ancient world.

    Now you know why.


  2. My fav magic trick is the hiding in the house, search for hours. Fear the cat got out and is lost. Cat walks into the room hours later with that ABSOLUTELY ANNOYING look of “what?” and “Pet me” look on it’s face!

    1. Ugh. Been there.

      1. ThatOddGuyOverThere

        Had a cat who was 15 pounds at the time (part Maine ‘coon) disappear for 24 hours at my in-laws’ house. As near as we can tell, he was hiding in the Christmas tree.

    2. When I helped my sister move from her 1st apartment, way back when, we realized the cat was missing. After about an hour of searching, we went back to the apartment and searched there. Took a while, but we finally found her; sleeping in a cupboard.

  3. Yeah my cat likes to curl up on my pillow above my head and eat my hair while I sleep 😐

    1. You mean your cat likes to curl up on your pillow and SUCK OUT YOUR SOUL while you sleep?


  4. dogs do weird things like this, too. its NOT just cats. my cousin’s doberman? pantyhose. and yep, they stretched out the full length of her gut and had to have surgery to be removed. she quit the pantyhose at that point and started eating bluejeans. but only in about 3 inch patches, because she had learned her lesson!

    the wee little servicedog eats my hair, too.

    1. Oh man, that’s HORRIBLE. I’d say poor dog, but geez.

      We’ve started feeding Harley Vaseline to keep the hair from building up in her system. Which is ALSO a super-gross activity.

  5. The first three panels are me and my puppies. I’ll be in a totally different room and suddenly…I know…that they’re doing….SOMETHING >>

    1. Beautiful! I haven’t perfected the sense from other rooms…..yet.

  6. Oh man, my cat used to do that all the time >.< And yes, I'd pull like a foot of hair out. Gross! And I'm a nurse! 😛

    1. First off, let me say that I have the greatest respect for what you do at your job. Seriously. Nurses need more credit.

      Secondly, yes. SO gross. It was like pulling hair out of a drain. I horrible, warm, living drain.

  7. Try yanking one of those long skinny balloons that clowns make dogs out of, out of a LIVING wiener dogs rear end. My sister’s Chihuahua/ dachshund mix used to eat those balloons, and she’ll still crap one out every now and again. It’s been SIX years, since she got into the clowns balloon stash at my niece’s sixth birthday party.

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