#348 Freedom

6 thoughts on “#348 Freedom

  1. I hate to nit pick again but…if Iron containers can not be opened by Jazz. How does she open her pick-up truck?

    1. Well, her truck’s made of steel, which has some other stuff in it besides just iron. I imagine constant contact with the exterior of her truck would prove irritating, maybe even painful, but just opening the door isn’t terrible. Plus it’s just such a convenient way for her to get around.

      1. Yes, pick-up trucks are VERY convenient. And what you said makes sense. There is also the fact that it is not like there really is likely to be an alternative to the steel/iron car, so I guess she would just have to learn to deal with the problem.

        1. True, true, so I think she’d be okay, unless she was, like, lying on the hood or something.

          She’d be extra okay on the interior. As I was driving my own car today, I noted that there’s very little metal I could actually come into contact with (the exception being the seat belt buckle.). It’s all coated in fabric, plastic of vinyl!

  2. the handle of some trucks is plastic not metal, too, and it’s metal under paint. (the body of many cars is not iron/steel, that’s why they’re so light)

    1. That’s true, for sure. The driver’s side door handle to my car is totally busted thanks to it being made out of plastic and the door freezing one winter -_-;

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