#347 Nice Coat

17 thoughts on “#347 Nice Coat

  1. I don’t think they were asking for you to make it creepy. But still that is funny.

    1. Got to be careful what you say around me >:D

  2. So, the real question everyone wants answered:

    Are you a bad influence on Jennie or is she a bad influence on you?

    1. Little Voodoo Dolly

      I think they ping off of each other in a kind of “we’re both going to hell so why don’t we share this pretty basket and take in the sights along the way” type of thing.

      Btw, I would pay to see you as “The Retail Avenger”.

      1. Hahaha, it’s a little of both, as far as Jennie and I are concerned.

        I can’t be the Retail Avenger yet…not until I stop working retail XD

  3. I think it is a long standing trend, just look at comics 11 and 43 for example. At least they only petted the coat instead of rubbing their faces on it like a cat.

    1. Good idea for NEXT time…bwahahahaha.

    2. Actually, I think that happened.

      In the car, where she was captive and couldn’t escape.


      1. It’s true. There was no escape for her. Mwahahahahaha.

  4. Little Voodoo Dolly

    Have you ever considered coming to Emerald City ComiCon with Jennie? I’m kinda stoked this year because Randy from Something Positive, Danielle from Girls With Slingshots and Jennie will all be there.

    1. I’d love to do the farther flung conventions (especially Emerald City since Seattle’s always held a weird sort of fascination for me.) For the short term, though the closer-to-home conventions are the ones in the budget 🙁

  5. Another fun thing to do is to wear one of those funny little store-bought mustaches and then lean in real close to their face… and rub the mustache on them before running away! My friends and I did this last Saturday on a whim. The people in the store seemed quite amused by 3 ladies walking about the store with our dapper staches. Then again just wiggling those mustaches like a grumpy old man is fun too!

    1. HHAHAHAHA! That’s amazing! This girl, though, she might have hit me. XD

      1. Then sneak up while a friend distracts her and rub the mustache on her neck before running like a loon! But yeah I have friends like that… Usually I am that friend, but sometimes the lure of insane fun is just too much! Also anything soft and fuzzy deserves to be touched! Why else would they make it like that?

        1. XD There’s some truth to that, I suppose.

  6. I need an adult!!!

    1. Clearly, you’ve come to the wrong site…

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