#345 Valentine’s Commercials

13 thoughts on “#345 Valentine’s Commercials

  1. Now, THAT’S my kind of woman!

  2. I agree. Legos are the best way to say I lurve you.

  3. The old millennium falcon would SCREAM it at me.

    1. Yeah, that one was pretty sweet. The new one they made just didn’t compare!

  4. Enough Legos to make a fort… Even Duplo blocks if I was given enough would make me want to cook up a 7 course meal and offer back massagies!

    1. “even duplo blocks” Ha! The red-headed step child of the Lego family XD

      1. They totally are, but they are good for making big solid things… like forts! :]

        1. I could see that.

          It puts me in mind of these giant Lego-type bricks I remember from when I was a kid. I don’t think they were official or anything, but they were “legos” for building forts.

          Or perhaps, I’m making that up….

  5. Little Voodoo Dolly

    If giving someone legos says “I love you”, what does stepping on one of them say???

    1. Ouch?

      1. Little Voodoo Dolly

        I’ve taken care of children that I would swear had purposefully laid them out like caltrops for the unsuspecting.

        1. Which is precisely why my parents never let me have them when I was a kid.


          Which is precisely why I own so many now, as an adult: deprived childhood.

        2. When I become dictator of the continent, I will make depriving a child of Lego a capital offense! Sentence will be death by Galapagos Giant Tortoise stampede!!! Or else being sleep deprived, then confined for 10 hours next door to a room where three kids are playing with a big pile of Lego!!

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