#343 Dentist

9 thoughts on “#343 Dentist

  1. I suppose he could have felt them in the act of kissing you.

  2. What, you’ll exchange bodily fluids but you won’t feel her teeth?

  3. I-I’ve done that too…. I also tend to have my tongue run over any type of new dental procedure done (ie a fixed crack tooth)

    1. I know, it’s maddening! And pleasing.

      Perhaps, I have problems.

  4. FEEL THEM… with your tongue * sexy times*

    1. How do I get a “like” function on these comments?! XD

  5. No, no, no. The correct answer was “I’ll feel them but you have to give the same challenge next time you visit the gynecologist …”

    But, I’m a dirty old man and my sweetie’s used to my style of humor. 😀

    1. That is just…so WRONG. And yet awesome at the same time.

    2. Haha! Can’t wait to tell him that XD

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