#340 Tactics

7 thoughts on “#340 Tactics

  1. Poor PoJo

    1. Now I feel even more sympathy for Pojo since no one cares about his plight enough to make a comment other than me.

      1. Hee hee hee, but he’s just so…FUSSY!

  2. aw how can i feel sorry for ‘im? I for one have always wanted a pidgeonon my head, pointing me in the right direction (OF LIFE!!!!!) . but yea, i like birds, and Pojo could do at least three other things to get the pidgoen off him.

  3. umm .. you dont want to carry a guitar like that. Really .. its the easiest way to brake it. You usually carry it with the Guitar Neck over your shoulder.

    1. Honestly, I had no idea ^_^;

    2. It does seem like the most convenient way if you want to quickly swing the guitar round in a usable position, though.

      And I’m sure she talks to her guitar, so if it had a problem with it it would have said.

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