#339 Stir

12 thoughts on “#339 Stir

  1. Yes, Paranoia.

    The slightest sound makes us jumpy. But when society collapses, we will be the ones to survive in our bunkers, that I still need to build, someday, soon I hope, I am also lazy.

    1. You could just make a ton of money and then you can have someone build/install it FOR you.

      I’ve even seen some done with some wicked medieval-looking “home security systems” as well.

  2. Little Voodoo Dolly

    Cellophane gets me every time. That *crinkle crackle* noise sets me on edge and it’s DEVIOUS… you walk away from a plastic bag and 15 minutes later you hear it crinkling as if it’s sentient and looking for revenge ’cause you didn’t choose paper instead of plastic.

    1. Haha! I know what you’re talking about. I’ve balled up plastic bags and tossed them in the recycle, the house is all quiet and then all of a sudden I notice the *crrrrrrrrrrink shhhhhhhhk* sound of the bag slowly unfolding. The bag always seems to wait until I’ve completely forgotten about throwing it away, so I understand the sentient part, too.

  3. 1. For me it is Styrofoam and cotton balls. I can not stand either one of them.

    2. Everyone says that I stir my coffee too much in the mornings, so I can understand where you are coming from.

    1. I admit, I’m a bit confused as to the cotton ball part…They seem rather quiet to me ^_^;

      I always feel like the ends of my soup-meals are more annoying because I have to take more frequent spoonfuls, thus scraping the bottom of the bowl more and more often…No one seems annoyed by that though.

      1. Okay so the cotton balls is not a sound so much as a sensation and when I know that someone is messing around with those cotton wads that come in pill bottles, I have a psycho-somatic tone in my ears.

  4. Stirring the soouuuuuuup…

    1. Heh. Apparently so.

      I still don’t really get it, but I can’t stand it when people scratch their nails on denim (like they have to scratch and itch on their leg or something). It sets my teeth on edge.

  5. Wait, what? YOU’RE asking people what’s wrong with them now?

    *sniff* You’re… you’re all grown up now…

  6. Is that Beverly?

    And you were scraping the spoon against the bowl, weren’t you. You can’t tell, but I’m giving you the Displeased Twilight Stare, because that’s only okay when I do it.

    1. Nope, that’s Charise…Not sure if you were still there when she came on.


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