#337 Cannot Be Unseen

9 thoughts on “#337 Cannot Be Unseen

  1. I am sure I am going to regret asking but:
    1. What kind of poo?
    2. How did it get there?
    3. Why in the world didn’t someone stop the escalator so that some unlucky shmuck could have the pleasure of cleaning it up?

    1. 1. I assume human. *shudder*
      2. I have NO clue on that one.
      3. Us employees didn’t notice it right away, so it had plenty of time for multiple revolutions. It WAS stopped for cleanup, but by then, the damage was done.

      1. It could have been pet poo?

        I do not know where you work.

        Could it have been a service animal that had an accident?

        1. Okay the only explaination that has enabled me to sleep at night is that some blind person’s service dog ‘had an accident’ and yeah…that does though raise the question of how a blind person…takes care of that part of taking care of a dog. How do they know when their service dog has stopped to relieve themselves versus when they have stopped to smell something. Maybe their acute sense of smell alerts them to the presence of poo in the area. Or maybe they are Matt Murdock and their radar sense alerts them to the situation.

        2. From what I’ve heard, part of their training is how to signal their human that they need to go. Most dogs do that anyway – hang out by the door looking anxious, or head in your lap staring at you with the occasional head pivot to the door, whatever your pooch has learned will get your attention, heh. According to what I was told, service dogs for the blind are just taught to be more audible and to use a specific cue, so there is no confusion.

  2. I suddenly feel guilty for complaining about my customer service job.

    1. Fortunately this isn’t a regular occurrence at mine.

      1. That begs the question of whether you think it would be a regular occurance at ANYONE’s work place.

        1. Might this explain why you never see an escalator at the zoo? 😀

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