#336 PUNched!

12 thoughts on “#336 PUNched!

  1. Do you really find puns ap-paw-ling or are you kitten around?

  2. I take it puns are not welll liked?
    I love puns, but I blame that on my dad. He was a master of them. (;

    1. I actually dig puns…particularly when I’m the one dishing them out…I secretly even enjoy the groaners, I think.

      1. Then why the comic about giving raf an upper-cut for a bad pun?

        Do you have unresolved anger issue to deal with?

        1. He’s not allowed to use them on ME!

        2. Just accept your pun-ishment.

  3. Clearly she does not hate puns COMPLETELY, the part of her mind from which PoJo springs forth seems to think that puns are great as evidence by ON THE COUCH 41, 71, and 72.

    I frankly would want to punch someone for making such an OBVIOUS pun. I personally would have gone with, “Oh Harley, you must be feline pretty good aren’t you?” But that is just me.

    1. Lol! The feline one would is much better XD

  4. Also I do believe standard tactics calls for the application of a round-house kick or a left cross in response to bad pun. I think the upper-cut is supposed to be used only in instances of lame knock-knock jokes.

    1. Good point, but the uppercut is SO efficient!

  5. You know, you could have upped your geek cred a few points if you had yelled “TIGER UPPERCUT!” instead …

    1. XD True, true…I’d forgotten about that, truth be told.

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