#335 Senses

17 thoughts on “#335 Senses

  1. I can hear when my roomates leave the lights on upstairs…


  2. It continues to amaze me how someone can make stick figures look so … cute. Now *that* is talent. 😀

    1. Thanks! Just doin’ mah job! *salute*

  3. Worst! Super-Power! EVER!!!!

    Well actually I suppose being able sublimate without the ability of re-integration would be worse but still…1950 dad sense is still not very cool.

    1. To be fair, it’s not as though 1950s Dad is really going for “cool.”

      1. If Raf is indeed not cool, then one must begin to entertain the question of what he is doing married to an incredibly cool person like yourself.

  4. That’s too funny. You know on the movie Up when the dog gets distracted and says Squirrel! That’s my new word because I get distracted all of the time. It is now a verb. To squirrel-squirrling-squirrled. “Sorry I didn’t mean to squirrel on you”. I have said this many times-lol

  5. Little Voodoo Dolly

    Oh oh ohhhhh… the thermostat!! Does he do that weird thing with the thermostat?!? I swear to god my “1950’s Dad” has some sort of hypersensitive kinetic link to ours.

    1. Actually, I’m the crazy person about the thermostat, since I’m the one that sees the gas bill every month. 1950s Mom just doesn’t have the same comedic punch that 1950s Dad does, though.

      1. Oh, how sad is that? That’s the reason for the Feminist movement, right there ..

  6. no, i believe a worse power to have (that still may come in useful) would be to instantly be able to tell the exact temperature of the floor with your feet.

    1. XD That is a pretty…um…useless power.

  7. Please let Raf know to save stale bread. He can then grate or food process for bread crumbs. WASTE NOTHING!! Or not. 🙂 Or get him hyped over it- and flaunt tossing stale bread. ;p

  8. oh contrair,if you kno the temp. of the ground then you’ll be able to tell if you should put on thick socks that day.

    1. THAT’S true…I don’t wear thick socks with my shoes though because they make my shoes feel all tight and weird XD

    2. “Oh contrair.”

      Superb. 😀

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