#333 SO Sick

12 thoughts on “#333 SO Sick

  1. That’s how I felt aaaaaaaaaall last week, and I still had to go to work and be a pastry chef.

    Isn’t the restaurant industry wonderful and sanitary?

  2. You are really milking this whole being sick thing aren’t you.

  3. Oh my gosh. I keep thinking I’m about to recover but… I’m not. I’m speaking through my nose which makes my nasal septum vibrate. Which makes me sneeze. Which makes me cough. Which makes my head hurt. XD

    I hope we both feel better soon.
    A few times I’ve posted your comics to my facebook (I’m Rachel R, the chick with the Rainbow Dash avatar.) this giant links to you page and a disclaimer saying you drew it and I did not and that they should check out this comic. Is that okay? Is it okay if I do the same to a few facebook pages I admin if I clearly direct them to here?
    If not, that’s fine, I’d just like to know. 🙂

    1. How long have you had it? I’ve been sick a week now, and the sinus crap just does not want to let up on me at all.

      1. Oh man, I had it for, like, 10 days, and then all the coughing after that. It really stuck around…I think I’m FINALLY ACTUALLY over it now, and I hope you will be too! Alka-seltzer Cold & Cough was my best friend for bedtime.

      2. I’ve had it since before the new year. Sinus stuff is killing me. I sound like salad fingers and I’m the monster from “The night of the living geeeerm”

    2. Heck YEAH, that’s fine! I’m totally down with these things getting shared…I’m working on getting share buttons up to make that easier, because currently, it’s a little weird (and has a lot to do with how the site was made) If you just copy and paste the link, that link will take you to whatever the most recent comic is, regardless of what comic you actually copy/pasted the link to…Currently working on the solution to that!

      Blarg. Didn’t mean to get all technical ^_^;

      1. Thanks so much <3

  4. I just finished your archive and wanted to drop a note and say thanks for putting this up. It’s fun, weird, and adorable. Also, it’s like we live parallel lives. I have said some of these things! And done some of these things. (=

    I hope you are feeling better. (=

    (Also, I recognized Obby and Jen, from whence I came to this comic. I am so nerdy…)

    1. Much better, thanks! And I’m so glad you’re enjoying the comics, thanks for reading them!

      And yes, they have both made the occasional appearance XD She’s been really cool about telling folks about my little corner of the internet here!

  5. This is me right now. Being tired and on cold meds makes for interesting conversation…..even if it’s only the ceiling.

    Glad you are feeling better.

    1. Thanks, and yikes: Hope you get to feeling better soon too. Make sure and record any and all medicated conversations XD

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