#332 Sick Fun

7 thoughts on “#332 Sick Fun

  1. I am sorry that you, or atleast your Life on the Stick persona, is/are still sick. So…I take it Raf got over the sickness faster than you did as he does not seem to be sick in this comic.

    Also…what in the world are you saying in the third panel. Or rather put what is that supposed to be the sound of. Other than a sick person.

    1. Heh. That’s the sound of snot being snuffled.

      And yeah, Raf NEVER seems to get as sick as I do. EVEN when he gets sick after me.

  2. it’s a wierd sneeze…If you actually say it out loud it’s a sneeze. Yea, sick sucks. Pretty much my whole family and many of the people I know got sick over x-mas break or around thart time. ‘Cept for me. I got sick waaay before that and gave it toeveryone else. BWA HA HAR! SO you’re not alone, stick-Wendy.

    1. Lol! That’s kinda how it went at my job. I got sick right before Christmas and everybody else is getting sick now….And all looking at me like I’m a Typhoid Mary.

  3. The best gift for a sick spouse it for the well(est) spouse to sleep in the quest room or couch! It’s great to indulge all the “it’s SO hot!” “It’s so cold now!” and 3am cereal & info-mercial suppers. :p

    1. Yeah, that’s actually exactly what we did, too. I camped out in the guest room so at least ONE of us would be getting some sleep.

  4. You know, I am an HVAC technician and I can offer you ideas to help manage your issues. Because I am willing to bet there are upgrades to your a/c system that you don’t have, but should.

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