#1478 Night Sounds

Hearing the occasional hoot of an owl is one thing. Hearing an avian argument is another.

5 thoughts on “#1478 Night Sounds

  1. I’m guessing you have barred owls? The mates have a lot to say!

  2. “It was a mouse.”
    “No, it was a mole!”
    “It had a tail!”
    “That was a worm!”
    “For being able to turn your head 230 degrees, you don’t see jack!”

    For three hours.

  3. Ale-Eight-One Ohmu

    Maybe Hooty from The Owl House came to visit.

  4. Doves…@#$%^!! doves have a nest on the neighbour’s roof across the laneway from our bedroom and where you can’t quite see it to get a good shot at it with a pellet gun ;( I’d trade a quiet ‘hoot’ for a non-stop ‘coo’ any day.

  5. if you haven’t seen it, watch Ben Bailey’s bit about the annoying owl


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