#1344 Potato

The dawning realization that I may have a chance at More Potato. I couldn't tell you why I love the ribbon fries so damn much. They are literally just Potatoes Cut A Different Way, but I know what I'm about.

4 thoughts on “#1344 Potato

  1. Until it gets cold, cold fries aren’t nearly as good as cold pizza, especially once a kid’s finished with them.

    1. This is very very true. Gotta be fast!

  2. Ooooh. I hope the fair with the good fried assorted vegetables is in September. I won’t be able to go to the ones in August. I like some deep fried cauliflower so hot you can’t even hold the bucket they give it to you in. <3

    1. Honestly, I hate cauliflower, but even I would be willing to give a deep fried version a go! September is definitely a better time for Faire than August anyway because of the heat.

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