Hello, my Creatures.
I have just returned from the frozen wilds of New Jersey. A good trip with good company was had by all. However, it has been determined that I can never truly leave the South, as I may freeze to death and die outside of it. There was snow. Possibly even two whole inches of it. I was assured by the locals that this was, in fact, nothing. But coming from someone who lives where an entire, thriving metropolis will completely shut down in a similar situation, it’s kind of a big deal. Also, I swear, the snow in New Jersey is colder than the snow I’ve seen on occasion where I live….Okay, okay, it wasn’t really all that big of deal. It’s not as though I’ve never seen snow or anything like that. Atlanta sees snow from time to time, we’re just not nearly as prepared to deal with it as other regions of the country that see this kind of weather every year. Why on earth would a city in the middle of Georgia own a fleet of snow plows when it only sees snow once every five years. And when that city DOES see snow, it’s usually gone with in 48 hours. Tops.
The real reason I can never leave the South is actually due to the inability to reliably procure sweet tea at restaurants. It is my life’s blood.
Also: Hey! Super Bowl. Huzzah! The team I arbitrarily chose to root for at the beginning of the game won! Go Ravens…because they are interesting and intelligent birds…They even got a shiny trophy and some pretty rings….hmmmmmmmm.
That’s all for now, and as always: Thanks for reading!