So, I know I don’t talk about it a lot, but I offer commissions!
Right now, I’m in the process of restructuring my pricing so I’m having a SUMMER BLOW OUT SALE! Yes, this means that I will be raising some of my prices, but I will also be offering some other commission options as well. Now through the end of August is your chance to get some great art for a great price!
Can’t think of anything for me to draw for you?! Artwork makes a really unique and personal gift, so have me draw something for your friend!
Think all I can draw are rad stick figures and awesome cartoon cats?! Take a look at my gallery to get a look at some of mad skillz!
Commission info can be found under the contact button in the menu bar, and any questions can be sent to
This concludes my shameless plug. That’s all for now and as always: Thanks for reading!
Hello, my Creatures!
Tomorrow’s the first Saturday in May, and that means it’s Free Comic Book Day (now the mysterious acronym of a blog title makes sense!)!
For those of you who may not know, the first Saturday in May is the day when you can walk into your local comic book store and pick up a few comics: FOR CHEAP AS FREE! So get in there and check it out, they’ve got some good looking titles lined up this year. There’s an Avatar: The Last Airbender title, Courtney Crumrin, The Tick, and neat looking anthology from Kaboom (looks like it includes stories from Adventure Time and Steven Universe among others!). There’s a bunch of other rad-looking titles as well, so if you get the chance head down to a comic store and show your support!
That’s all for now, and as always: Thanks for reading!
Hello, my Creatures!
Thanks to everyone who dropped by my table in Artist Alley this weekend. It was really great to see so many familiar faces and meet some new folks. And an especial thank you to everyone who commissioned me for badges! I think I had the most fun with them this year out of any other year.
Seriously, check these out: The first three are ones I did as samples…
I’m the only one who thinks you’re cute, opossum.Nice. I can’t spell “hyena.” Good thing this one was just a sample badge -_-;
I did end up selling the Unikitty one. Though I was a little sad to see her go, I’m glad she went to a good home. Here are the ones I did for others:
Remind you of anyone who sells “propane and propane accessories?” Good.It’s like someone said, “Just draw what’s in your brain, today.”
Seriously. I wanted to keep that penguin one. I am definitely sticking with the cartoony style for badges in the future!
Thanks again to everyone that came out! FWA is one of the friendliest and well-run conventions I attend and continues to be one of my favorites. Have a great year, and I look forward to seeing you guys online and next year.
That’s all for now, and as always: Thanks for reading!
Hello my Creatures!
Just a quick word to let you guys know that I’ll be hanging out in Furry Weekend Atlanta’s Artist Alley in the Westin Hotel most of this weekend! Artist Alley here is different than other venues, so I won’t have a permanent table for you to come visit, but I plan to be there from about 10am to the evening (let’s say 6 or 7…my butt starts to give out from sitting for so long after awhile!).
I’ve got lots of goodies for sale and will be taking on site commissions, so if you’re gonna be there, stop by and say hello!
That’s all for now, and as always: Thanks for reading!
Hello, my Creatures!
Unless you’ve been living in a small cardboard box, you’re probably aware that that The Lego Movie is a thing that exists. Actually, even if you lived in a small cardboard box, you’d probably STILL have heard about it. Especially if that small cardboard box contained Legos…Sorry, Lego Bricks (I’ve been told that’s the official term, and if I’m going to complain about the improper use of the word February, I figure I’d better get it right, dammit.)
Not gonna lie. I was dubious about the movie when I first heard about it. Until I saw the first preview for it. And I was completely and utterly sold about 15 seconds in. The main character, Emmet, manages to hit the exact right note of naivete and absurd optimism without making you hate him and the supporting cast is hilarious (and amazingly cast!). I laughed throughout the entire thing, but there are heartfelt moments as well that get the simple message of the movie across without being ham-handed. You don’t have to be a fan of Lego to enjoy this movie, and the humor in it is sophisticated enough that it’s actually a movie the entire family can enjoy (not one parents will feel like they have to sit through for the kids. )If you’re still harboring any doubts, don’t, because it’s a gem.
Okay, okay, even if I hadn’t been completely sold on the idea of the movie, there’s something else we all have to consider: The play sets.
You guys are all probably aware at this point that I’m a gigantic five-year-old, so it’s probably not much of a stretch for you to assume that I might have some Lego bricks at my house. Okay, okay, “assume” and “might” are strong words. I have some Lego bricks at my house.
“Some” is an understatement. I have a small crate of Lego bricks at my house. My love affair with Lego began somewhere in college when I realized that I could use my limited disposable income to buy toys because I was an adult, dammit. Sort of. At any rate, I’ve been picking up sets here and there ever since and my collection has grown quite a bit over the years. For the record, I DO keep them all in one bin and not divided up by sets because to do otherwise is not how you “Play Legos.”
Oh. My. GEE-OH-ESS-AYCH. The play sets for the Lego Movie are amazing! They are SO much fun and the majority of them are $30 and under.
I took pictures. Because I’m THAT much of a nerd. Also…Let’s not talk about how much money I’ve invested in this particular theme. To my credit, there were gift cards involved!
Fist up are the various vehicle sets. I’m usually not into the cars and stuff, but as you can see, these guys are…different.
Here they are “artfully” arranged on a stack of my old sketchbooks!
Oh my glob. The best part about this one (besides the kabob missiles) is that big brown drum behind the pilot represents the big spinning slab of meat at such places.It’s a flying castle. Seriously. What else do I even have to say?!And this one?! Flying Saloon. ‘Nuff said. Favorite part about this one? The treasure chests that open to drop dynamite.
Okay, okay, so the planes and stuff are completely rad. BUT there’s some seriously awesome characters in these sets as well. Like Metal Beard and Unikitty. UNIKITTY. There is a kitten with a unicorn horn in this movie, and now I have a physical Lego representation of such a thing! It’s as though Lego went into my brain and pulled stuff out. Which, I guess, was kind of part of the point of the film. ANYWAY.
Um…That triceratops isn’t part of any of these sets. I just threw him in there because…Dinosaurs. OH! And the blind bags were some of the best, BEST part of this particular line (the Lego blind bags are some of the most fun things…and let’s not talk about how many of them I own, either, for they are legion.).
Shakespeare is fantastic, but Good Cop/Bad Cop rapidly became my favorite because of his alternate face.
Just in case you don’t know, blind bags are little single toy packs where you buy ’em without knowing what’s in ’em. Which is why I have two Abraham Lincoln’s. Fortunately, I also have extra skelly-heads.
IF you’re so inclined, I’ve got some more pics I’ll be plastering over on my tumblr. but I think I’ve gushed enough Lego-y joy all over you guys. That’s all for now, my Creatures, and as always: Thanks for reading!
A new one just begun…
Hello, my dear Creatures!
Well, the holidays are more than over and I hope you all had a good one, appropriately raucous and without injury.
I don’t really go in much for New Year’s Resolutions or any of that. Most of mine end up being pretty ridiculous anyway, things like: I’m going to play more video games, or get more Lego sets or something. Neither of which is really a resolution at all seeing as how I do those things anyway since Animal Crossing is my dark, dark mistress and I am practically the Smaug of Lego bricks. I guess there was that one time I resolved to stop biting my nails and I bite them….less now. So I suppose that’s something.
I do have some minor improvements I want to make to my little corner of the web here and I do have plans to post more silly arts that have Nothing To Do With Anything over on my Tumblr feed and to, dear glob, update my gallery here more regularly.
I think I just resolved to draw more.*snerk* I don’t think that counts as a resolution, either.
That’s all for now, Creatures and as always: Thanks for reading!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year, my Creatures! From my weird family to yours. Thanks for reading!
Hello Creatures!
In case you missed it, the holiday season is all upons. I’m a little late in celebrating my favorite holiday, but is it really ever too late to celebrate Krampusnacht?!
No, of course not. And since I think it’s a shame that Krampus doesn’t have any carols of his own, I offer up this little bit of internet ridiculousness which will have to do (though you may have seen it over at Devil’s Panties XD):
That’s all for now, my Creatures, be merry and be mischievous! And as always: Thanks for reading!
Hello, my Creatures!
Wishing you guys a happy Thanksgiving, with all the food you can cram into your gaping maws! I know that’s what I’LL be doing today, since I practically have a flip-top head and get REALLY excited about food. Have a great holiday, and if you’re planning on heading out into the Black Friday crowds, be safe and be kind!
Other quick news: check out the Gallery tab, I’ve finally put up the individual On the Couch Halloween costumes, and there’s a brand new piece in the Digital Coloring folder where you can see 1950s Dad and Harley, fully rendered in all their cartoon glory!
That’s all for now, and as always: Thanks for reading!
Hello, my Creatures!
If you guys missed the panel I was part of with Jennie Breeden (The Devil’s Panties) and Angela Melick (Wasted Talent) you can check it out on YouTube here!
Due to some technical difficulties, I’m not in it until about four minutes in, when I finally gave up on the webcam and grabbed my trusty iPod Touch, but you can catch me rambling on about Art and Life all while wearing Penguin Pajamas…And I think there’s a shot of Stick Cat’s butt in there. Check out the rest of the keen stuff going on at Comfy Con here and thanks for the folks who tuned in and sharing a bit of their Friday nights with us!
That’s all for now, Creatures, and as always: Thanks for reading!