Category: Blogs
It’s been a long work in progress, Creatures, but I’ve finally set up my very own Patreon page! Take a look, donate if you are able, and I hope you’ll enjoy seeing all the extra content. Everything will go to help me create even more awesome content for you guys (and help me provide for baby Xena). That’s all for now, and as always, Thanks for reading!
Got added a little late, Creatures, but I WILL be at Anime Weekend Atlanta again this year! If some of you guys are in the area, stop on by ^_^ I’ll be in the Small Press section, next to the Autographs, table 1163! Got some fun new Surly Queen buttons, stickers, and prints (including prints of all the On the Couch Halloween pics XD ).
That’s all for now, and as always: Thanks for reading!
Hello, my Creatures!
Got something well worth blogging about! Remember that one time when Raf and I were talking…
And then this other time…
Well, I’m happy and proud to announce that, late last year we had our very own skin baby…er…daughter! It’s been killing me not to say anything about it publicly, but it was also something we wanted to keep private for a time (at least until we managed to start getting some sleep again!). She will eventually be appearing in the comics under a pseudonym (and it won’t be “Skin Baby,” I promise!). I’m not sure when yet, because I don’t want the comic to run too closely parallel to her actual life, so it may be awhile. If she’s anything like her parents, she’s bound to be hilarious!
I could wax poetic forever about the joys and trials of New Parenthood, but I think all that can wait for the comics. Glad to finally share this wonderful news with you all!
That’s all for now, Creatures, and as always: Thanks for reading!
PS: Holy crap! We’re parents!
Happy New Year’s, Creatures!
I am still crap at updating a blog with any sort of regularity. You guys are all here for the comics, though anyway, right? At any rate, hope you guys all had a rad holiday season (and made it safely home too.). Thanks to all my Creatures for reading and commenting over the past year. More of the same this year, right? I’ll keep drawing them if you keep reading them!
That’s all for now and as always (once again): Thanks for reading!
Hey, Creatures, it’s after Halloween, so I can announce the costume list from this year’s On the Couch Halloween!
Almost forgot to list off the costumes for this year’s On the Couch Halloween!
Front row, left to right:
Scurvy as Rocket Raccoon (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Wendy as The Log Lady (Twin Peaks)
Cricket as Unikitty (The Lego Movie)
Pine as Beaker (the Muppets)
Sausage as Benson Honeydew (the Muppets)
Back row, left to right:
Jazz as The Toast of Mayfair, Sally Bowles (Caberet)
PoJo as Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who, Torchwood)
Kurochka as Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro)
Rummy J as Xena (Xena: Warrior Princess)
Tacit as the Hamburglar (McDonald’s mascot)
Delria as Toothiana (Rise of the Guardians)
Taffy as Grumpy Cat (Grumpy Cat meme!)
I think Jazz was the Super Secret Bonus Costume this year, although it looks like I got you guys stumped by my costume as well…Not a lot of Twin Peaks fans out there, I guess!
That’s all for now, and as always: Thanks for reading!
Hello, my Creatures….
I am terrible at keeping a blog. Expect some changes around here.
That’s all for now, and as always, Thanks for reading!