#375 Running Blind

9 thoughts on “#375 Running Blind

  1. I foresee a page being taken out of Bugs Bunny’s play book and the Omnicorn (which is really a polycorn) being taunted into a rage and Wendy ducking out of the way at the last second causing the Omnicorn to crash into the wall and getting it’s front horn stuck in the wall and then either breaking it off to get free or Wendy somehow getting another one of it’s horns off.

    1. Or a scenario where it gets in her face, glaring and breathing heavily, boops her head with its muzzle and trots giggline

  2. quick do a barrel roll

    1. Or give it an omni-carrot or omni-sugar cube or omni-apple or omni-bale of hay.

      1. Come to think of it…what does an omni-corn eat? Also does the old lady clean up after the omni-corn or is it like the MLPs and doesn’t do that kind of thing. These are the things that keep me up at night…that and too much coffee.

      2. Totally read Omni-bale as “Omni-blade” and thought “Now you’re doing it Shepherd Style…” And then I re-read it and realized my brain is weird….

        1. and that’s a surprise to you?

        2. No… it doesn’t so much SURPRISE me…. as makes me question my dwindling sanity… I’ve only got so much of it and it needs to last me at least another 50 years before I can really get away with being totally crazy….

        3. > I’ve only got so much of it and it needs to last me at least another 50
          > years before I can really get away with being totally crazy….

          Don’t put off till 50 years from now what you can be right now.

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