#398 Word Play

10 thoughts on “#398 Word Play

  1. Eet vas nu tree si us unt de li si us.

    1. HA! Oh man, I suck, I had to read this out loud before I figured it out ^_^;


  2. This made me giggle-i do this all the time lol

    1. I was pretty sure I wasn’t the only one!

  3. german phonetics make more sense

    1. SO many things about so MANY languages make more sense than English XD

      1. That’s what we get when a Language goes Borg :-p

        or, to put it another way

        “Not only does the English Language borrow words from other languages, it sometimes chases them down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and goes through their pockets.”
        – Eddy Peters

        1. To be fair, sometimes it was the English language getting chased down the alley. My English Comp class in college had a whole section noting how the language evolved each time the isles were raided and settled by a new faction such as the Norse or the Germanic tribes. Even the Romans got their shot.

          Each time, the language changed. They showed it using the same Bible verse about the building of the tower of Babel and how the verse read differently with each new iteration of the language. Was pretty cool in a geeky way that suits me. 😀

        2. I like knowing ALL these things.

          Even though it makes the language tricky, I kind of like that English is still very much a living, evolving language.

          Even if it means “unputdownable” might become an actual recognized word. *sigh*

  4. I want to like ALL THE COMMENTS! okay. lol. I do this all the time too 😛

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