#395 I’ll Never Get Tired of This

8 thoughts on “#395 I’ll Never Get Tired of This

  1. I hope you know this person and they were just some random customer.

    1. Would be more amusing if it WAS a random customer lol

      1. If only I could get away with such nonsense! No, this was one of my coworkers…She’s been in the strip before (usually me weirding her out with slot arms…Working on a “Who’s Who” type of character guide for this strip.)

  2. Went to your website today and Web of Trust popped up with a Red (Untrustworthy) warning.

    I suspect either something malicious got onto your site or more likely someone has gone and given your site bad rating.

    ps: found your site via The Devils Panties. I enjoy both yours and Jennies comics.

    I hope you can fix the WOT ratings thing quickly 🙂

    1. I bet Tacit has something to do with this.

    2. I have to admit, I’m a little baffled by how WOT works (having only now just heard about it)…It seems like all I can really do is ask folks to rate it favorably…The one comment attached to the site calls it a “spam trap” but I’m not really sure what they mean by this.

      It also looks like my site was rated by some massive rating system as well, the same user has attached the same message to a number of sites.

      1. Might be a competing web-comic artist.

        1. I don’t think so in this case, though, it would be possible. Looks like anybody can rate any site on this thing, which can be a good thing, but can also lead to a skewed representation.

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