#352 Lurker

11 thoughts on “#352 Lurker

  1. Smooth. Very smooth.

    1. Oh, totally. That’s me all over XD

  2. I assume that big rock in the first panel is supposed to be a particular object in a park in Savannah, GA. I guess I am asking what that object is.

    1. Yep, that’s a monument to Tomochichi, the Native American who was leader of the town that was in Savannah first…erm…before it was Savannah. It sits in Wright Square in downtown Savannah.

  3. Do you want to know the secret ingredient in the cookies?

    1. I saw a movie once that claimed it was cocaine.

      1. You took away the surprise lol. They call me the cookie crack lady at work.

  4. The girl scouts here are the aggressive ones. They set up in front of the grocery store, and pounce when you enter and exit the store. I buy cookies from a friends daughter, and tried to explain this to them, only to get the “sad eyes puppy face” from the kids, and the “evil buy cookies or be ripped to shreds face” from the mothers. So now I try to do my shopping during school hours, and if that’s not possible I wait until they are busy bothering someone then bolt in the doors.

    1. I don’t have any friends with kids, so the girls at the grocery store are pretty much my only chance. You could always try my approach: Run up to them screaming…They’re almost afraid to take my money XD

  5. m. is it realy wise to give such craved crazy-making cookies to small girls and just ASSUME that they wont be attacked by a cookies cravin crazy? maybe they should sign a waver

    1. They knew the risks when they put on the sash.

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