#351 That Sound

6 thoughts on “#351 That Sound

  1. Don’t you mean: “ze geers cows”?

  2. I also like how only Wendy is working to put the man-hole cover back on. Everyone else is just standing around.

    PoJo is going to need a five week long shower and about ten years of therapy.

    1. THAT’S because the rest of the cast doesn’t care about public safety!

      Okay, Cricket might…but she’s not there.

      PoJo may have to go to some kind of decontamination chamber before he feels “okay” again XD

  3. Better watch out-some of those Wilderness Girl Scouts are evil. I should know-I’m raising one 🙂

    1. I tip my hat to you, ma’am! They’re awesome!

      1. Wilderness Girl Scouts are awesome? As in you EAT wilderness girl scouts and you think that they taste awesome? Everyday we learn more and more about the depths of your oddness.

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