#382 Mega Yawn

19 thoughts on “#382 Mega Yawn

  1. I hate it when I pull a mussel (wrong word, I know) yawning. It is sore for an hour afterwards as well.

    1. As my fifth grade teacher told us, never pass by a teach-able moment:

      muscle (plural muscles) – (uncountable) A contractile form of tissue which animals use to effect movement.

      mussel (plural mussels) – A small edible bivalve shellfish of the families Unionidae and Mytilidae

      — — —

      On a somewhat related note: apparently the wikitionary thinks that ‘mouse’ is a related term to ‘mussel’

  2. I feel for you girl. I too have yawned “too hard” and hurt something. It’s weird, because then you feel like yawning but resist it because of pain.

    1. I especially hate it when my ears pop…weirdly…in addition the near-unhinging of my jaw.

      I doubt that made sense!

      1. It’s not the ears popping, it’s the jaw popping that gets to me. Especially the weird way it feels for a while afterward. >.< Only makes it worse that I had jaw surgery back in high school so even though the rational part of my brain knows that healed over with new bone LONG ago, the irrational part of my brain can't help but fret over whether or not I broke something.

  3. When ever I yawn in public i try to make it look like the lions from the discovery channel. I figure you might as well try to impress some people.

    1. Haha! That is so great. I’m stealing your idea.

  4. Finally a fellow Hard Yawner!

    Protip: It is much more satisfying at the end of a yawn or especially when stretching if you make loud noises such as the Tasmanian Devil might. Yes you look and sound silly. But who cares? Also, when sneezing do it as loud as you can. Very satisfying. Seriously, try it, you’ll thank me.

    1. I think I will try sneezing into my electric mega-phone at some point. That should be VERY satisfying.

      But more importantly, I kind of have to completely agree with Rand, if you are going to sneeze/fart/cough/yawn, then just do so and don’t feel ashamed about your body and it’s functions and systems. I really hate seeing people try to suppress those sort of things cause it is impossible. At least for me it is.

    2. @Rand Oh yeah, I always end up making these little screeching sounds when I yawn/stretch. Life demands sound effects, and I feel obligated to supply them!

    3. 1) I too am a fellow hard yawner
      2) Sound effects are a MUST
      3) Love your name, have you finished the series yet??

      1. Thanks! Not yet. I started over reading the series to my son and thought it would be cool to read the last book together. So I’m trying really hard to resist just reading it.

        1. I have a hard time getting through the last couple of books he put out before passing away, but the author they brought in to finish his work was able to regrab the writing style of the first book and I love that. It’s good. Good luck holding out lol.

  5. Hands up…how many people yawned after reading this comic? Anyone? Just me then. 🙂

    1. *Raises hand*

    2. ::raises hand:: ditto – and again after reading your mention of it

    3. Great! Just Great! Now I am going to fighting…oh wait I just lost and yawned.

      1. GOTCHA! XD

  6. Man, I almost made it through this damn comic with out yawning.

    I failed.

    I almost got a cramp under my jaw because of this.

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