#373 Port-O-Potty

15 thoughts on “#373 Port-O-Potty

  1. This is true of MANY things.

  2. OH MY GOD THIS IS WHY I WILL NEVER USE PORT-O-POTTYS (Shivers up my spine) What was seen cant be unseen…unless you really distract you’re self with animi or really cool fanfiction

    1. I’m normally against them as well, just couldn’t hold out this time around.

  3. I did that joke! hehe, poor eyeballs.

  4. I just got here from The Devil’s Panties and I really enjoyed your comic. XD It was sort of like reading my own life in a lot of ways. Except I’m a musician, not an artist!

    1. Musicians totally count as artists! (But I know what you meant ^_^) Welcome aboard!

      1. Yeah, it’s funny how much weirdness runs through the arts, isn’t it? XD

  5. My mother fell in a port-o-potty when she was 3-her brother had to hose her off 😐

    1. That….Is possibly one of the worst things I have ever heard.

  6. Port-o-potties are much easier to tolerate when you have had the experience of using an outhouse. That little blue shack seems as clean and sterile as an operating room when compared to a wooden crap hut. ::shudders::

    My last memory of using one was back when I was like 7 or 8, I forget. While sitting in there a daddy longlegs fell out of the rafters … right into my lap.

    Yep. I busted out of there so fast I didn’t think to pull my pants up.

    And my dad thought it was hilarious.

    1. “Crap Hut.” BWAHAHAHAHA!

      Which only reminds ME of the first time I ever encountered a “cicada killer.” They’re basically gigantic freaking wasps that are big enough to attack cicadas…ANYway, the first time I saw one was in the Bathroom of Insectoid Nightmares at a campsite I went to with my parents when I was younger.

      1. Esmeralda Anistasia

        And THIS is why I hate going outside!

  7. How I introduced myself to my best friend’s wife:

    “I once dropped my phone into a portapotty.”

    “Wow! What a crazy way to lose a phone!”

    “… I still have that phone…”

    It was a Nokia brick. It’s a trophy. I have no memory of retrieving it without gloves.

    1. No. Be PROUD of that phone.

  8. Do you read Eric Flint’s 1632 series? Reminds me of the ‘Battle of the Crapper!’

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