#372 Mistakes Were Made…

12 thoughts on “#372 Mistakes Were Made…

  1. Crimes among the most horrendous in nature.

    Excuses among the weakest in nature, text message “are you in town?” problem solved.

    Yes, I have studied under Captain Obvious.

    1. Esmeralda Anistasia

      I’ve studied under Lieutenant Sarcasm and Captain Humour-So-Dry-That-You-Can’t-Even-Tell-That-It’s-Humour. We should meet up. We’d probably make a great team together!

  2. Was that Devils Panties? O_o I’d be a bit nervous too.

    1. Those are two VERY different depictions of her.

  3. Gods that movie was excellent. I electrocuted myself twice and burnt my fingers trying to make a jacket that would turn off all tv’s in a hundred yards that I’m facing.

  4. But Iron Man 3 was great … so you just immediately say “sure! let’s go!” and try to withstand the urge to give spoilers all the way through, she’s none the wiser.

    1. I have the complete inability to lie under nearly any circumstances. -_-;

      1. Let’s put that to the test shall we: What is your honest opinion of Jennie Breeden?

        1. I went through a lot of questions before settling on that. The previous ones were a bit too ‘stalkerish’ to be a good idea.

        2. She’s rad!

        3. I see. Very interesting.

  5. Huh i just watched Iron Man today

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