#365 Tantrum

17 thoughts on “#365 Tantrum

  1. Little Voodoo Dolly

    I do that with doors and cupboards. The sound helps lol

  2. I will have to add ‘stompy’ to the official list of emotional states at my friend’s office.

  3. Also how is that quadrupedal amputee able to stand up like that?

    1. Hint: look up the definition of “Quadrupedal.”

      1. oh shut up. I meant ‘Quadruple’ amputee

        1. They are balanced on their torso.

  4. I will have to implement this at work. Though, the really heavy doors at my work place slam so FANTASTICALLY. 😀

    1. Niiiiiiice!

  5. I’m taking a tap class, and I was in a bad mood at the last one. One of my classmates was, like, “But this is the best place to be in a bad mood. You can just take it out on the floor.” True story.

    1. I can see that.

      Man. Tap looks hard, but it’s one of the coolest forms of dance, I think.

      1. It’s hard. I had a meltdown after class last week because I couldn’t do drawbacks; way to go with the adulthood! But it’s really fun, and I think it’s easier than some other kinds of dance to figure out because you KNOW when you’re offbeat.

  6. ayeap. there;s a phycological thing in the brain-meats that a physical release like slam stomp throwing will relieve

    1. Swearing causes a similar brain-meats chemical release as well, helps one deal with pain, I think.

  7. I’m feeling slammy

    1. I need to see if I can add a “like” function to these comments.


  8. Yeah I can’t do this one at work… I am in attics (which means the furnace is hanging from the roof) or I am dealing with someone elses house… Slamming doors is bad idea.

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