#364 Do You Want To

7 thoughts on “#364 Do You Want To

  1. I love the literal response. Do you want to help me? Do you want to do this? Do you want to get this for me? It’s all rude :/

  2. i dunno. I think it depends on the vocal infliction. HERE, you can tell it’s rude because of her EXpressIVE eyebrow. But i’m sure there’s some undocumented case of non-rude similarily phrased questions.

  3. I have never had someone use that phrasing to ask me something and I agree the little crown wearing guy inside my head would probably urge me to say ‘No, I do not want to do that.’

    Though in a similar vein I did once write ‘okay’ as a response to a question that I asked me to think about how to solve a problem and did not explicitly tell me to write my musing on the piece of paper in front of me. I got that question wrong by the way and the damn chemistry teacher did not want to argue about the finer points of the English language and literal interpretations of it.

  4. My teacher spilled her coffee and then she goes do you wanna clean that up for me? And I go ” No….” detention!!!!!

  5. I got a week of detention

  6. My Dad had a bad habit of saying that and I always answered sarcastically.. Do you want to do the dishes? Do you want to do your homework?

  7. OMG if it’s not this it’s people walking in and immediately saying “why don’t you have (item)?” I’m like, why don’t you look, it’s right there!

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