#361 Preamble

13 thoughts on “#361 Preamble

  1. I hate this. Get to the point already!

    Being a little wordy to be specific is fine, but don’t be wordy and vague at the same time. That’s UGH!

    Henry David Thoreau was just like this.

    1. That’s the bit that I have a problem with. I don’t mind a few pleasantries, I understand that it’s difficult to “break the ice” with a total stranger, but some times folks go way overboard!

  2. I agree. Get to the point already. Tell me what you want and I will see if I can provide it to you.

    1. BINGO!

  3. People like this drive me NUTS! I’m almost the opposite, at least with book shopping, I feel like I’m so direct that I’m afraid I’m being rude. No pleasantries, just point me in the right direction, thank you. 😛

    1. Yeah, that’s me, pretty much any kind of shopping ^_^;

  4. oh i totally did that to the person who worked at the library. i didnt mean to, honest. if it makes anyone feel better i laughed and said “well duh” at the end. if you dont do things like this, it’s wierd to understand. like i might stand there for minutes thinking of a good way to ask and it just comes out “me tarzan, you jane”

    1. XD It’s good to have a sense of humor. I don’t really mind “Hi, how’re you doing?” or even “I’m looking for a book” (that one bugs me, but I underSTAND why people say it…), but this particular person went above and beyond!

      1. “I’m looking for a ____” should never never end there :/

  5. You also have to taken into account. If you do not have some sort of big blaring uniform that says you are an employee of the store, the person might not have any idea whether you are an employee or just a really big fan of putting books on shelves. But I admit sometimes even that does not work.

    1. Yeah, sometimes the “Do you work here” question is acceptable, but usually when someone’s carefully shelving a stack of books…Let’s just say that’s not usually customer behavior.

  6. I am occasionally this customer. Give them a break, they may have aphasia, like me. Mine is from a stroke several years ago, it’s like the words get stuck behind the injured part of my brain & have to detour around it. Unfortunately, some of them like to take the scenic route.

    1. Believe me, I really do try to see past stuff like this. I’ve got a friend who has chronic migraines and has a similar problem after they’ve had one. They just have trouble finding their words.

      But some days….I just don’t have it. Unfortunately, those days are typically better comic fodder ^_^;; FWIW, I wouldn’t allow myself to show how aggravated I really was (contrary to the face palm here, which just works better visually).

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