#352 Revenge

15 thoughts on “#352 Revenge

  1. Little Voodoo Dolly

    Vengeance… it tastes like candy sprinkles! 🙂 Seriously though, nicely played.

    1. Sweet, delicious, REVENGE SPRINKLES!

  2. You… do NOt have short term memory!

    is there a reason that this coworker of yours appears to havea vampire haircut?

    1. Mostly just because I can’t accurately recall what this guy looked like. It’s been a looooong time since I’ve worked with/seen this guy.

      I THINK he had a widow’s peak? Clearly, only have long term memory for the important stuff.

      Like vengeance.

  3. So…how to phrase this nicely…the guy in the hat was ‘really into classical Greek statues’ or something? Or was he just in general as you like to call it skeevy.

    1. Little Voodoo Dolly

      “really into classical Greek statues”… ummm is that code for “gayer than a tree full of monkeys”? I’m confused.

    2. Yeah, this guy was both of these things. DEFinitely interested in our male employees….with a voice and mannerisms akin to Herbert from Family Guy.

      Seriously, sounded just like Herbert. It was creepy!

      1. Totally just re-read the comic using Herberts voice 😐 Stranger danger!

        1. DEFinitely. This guy was a real creeper!

  4. So I have never met you, only follow you on the internet. Why is it -I- already figured it’s not a good idea to mess with you and you co-workers haven’t figured this out?

    1. XD Just a fast learner?

    2. Ditto this. Also, when I finally watched My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic I realized: Wendy is the human version of Pinkie Pie. I had this confirmed as fact with Jennie Breeden (The Devil’s Panties) at Emerald City Comic Con.

      1. Crap, Jennie’s spreading all mah secrets XD

        Okay, it’s not a secret.

  5. Yeah, about 10 years ago in HS choir, I insisted in poking her bun with a pencil. She is not amused…. ;p

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