#341 Lazy Cat

20 thoughts on “#341 Lazy Cat

  1. If cats would bring you fast food, you would get a free one with every meal.

    1. If cats could get fast food, what would they need US for?

      1. I have had numerous discussions with my cat about this and other related topics and the general consensus seems to be that the answer would be: very little.

  2. nonono. the key word there is WOULD. because of course cats are malicious animals and by no means would volentarily feed it’s poor human in need (anything edible at least. she might bring you a dead mouse if she loves you).

    1. I guess, TECHnically I could eat a dead mouse though….ew.

  3. Little Voodoo Dolly

    I believe if a cat could go get you fast food, the only kind it would get you would be kids stuff like happy meals and they’d keep the toy as payment.

    1. Ya know, and I would be okay with that. I wouldn’t mind receiving a kid’s meal that I didn’t have to go get.

  4. I am sorry that you are not feeling good again.

    Also according to Zaxby’s website, they are an ALTERNATIVE to fast food thus making them NOT fast food. So were Harley to get Zaxby’s chicken, she would NOT in fact be getting fast food. Making all the previous comments rather moot and inapplicable.

    1. Thanks for the well wishes, I was actually just bundled up in this one because it was cold, though! Not sick again!

    2. Little Voodoo Dolly

      Bite me Bard :p lol Don’t make me bring out the cotton balls

      1. Um….No thank you?

  5. I was this cold yesterday. I took an hour nap, then, when told lunch was ready, didn’t get up. Because it was too cold outside the blankets. XD

    1. Been there. Definitely. And more than just the one time documented above XD

  6. The text of panels 5 and 6 remind me of The Joker.
    The solution to problems like this is to scrunch the blanket around you, then roll/crawl, still wrapped into a car and have your cat drive you to a food place. Or put Harley on the forward pedal (I don’t actually know how to drive, can you tell?) and move the steering wheel with your teeth or your blanket-wrapped elbows. (Please don’t take my advice)

    1. Don’t worry, I managed to drive there much more safely, fortunately, the heater in the car works really well!

      It took me a second to realize what you meant about the Joker…Hurr hurr, because my cat’s name is Harley (geez).

  7. I made fresh chicken soup yesterday. I would have brought you some, but it would have been cold by the time I got all the way down there. I did manage to lure the room mate out of his lair with it, though.

    1. XD No worries, I hope the soup was delicious!

  8. I’ve never had Zaxby’s chicken. I’ve never even been to one. I think there’s one or two within 30 minutes of me. Should I go investigate?

    1. 1950s Dad and I are in love with their Zaxby’s sauce. It’s tangy and delicious. I mean, the chicken’s pretty good, nice and crispy, but I think they put crack in the sauce. (I also like to dip the fries in a mix of ranch and their “Tongue Torch” sauce)……*drool*

      1. I am intrigued. I think I shall have to venture out this weekend to try some. Perhaps drag a friend along since I enjoy sharing new experiences. Thanks for the tip on the sauce, I will definitely try it.

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