#333: Free Lunch

7 thoughts on “#333: Free Lunch

  1. Can you REALLY blame Taffy for wanting a bribe?

    1. Oh no, of course I can’t! I’d want one too, I think.

  2. Yes, yes I can. Employ those opposable thumbs! But I won’t. Because lunch tastes that much better when somebody makes it for you.

    1. So true….And so lazy.

  3. mmm. but i should wonder if he cares enough to make the sam’mich. I mean he wasn’t even in the room for first part. but then he doesn’t want to volunteer anyway, so i guess he WAS only making it to show off. so the real question is WAS IT DELECTABL?

  4. Pojo, i mean. meant to post this on the other page. woops.

    1. XD no worries. And yes. Showing off. In hindsight, I should have squeezed in another comic in here with them asking PoJo to make the sam’mich. I suspect that Taffy said she wouldn’t tell unless he was the one that made it.

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