#331 Chap Stick

5 thoughts on “#331 Chap Stick

  1. I must have dozens of chap-sticks that I have only used once and then lost somewhere in my home.

    1. I feel like I’m headed in that direction, actually.

    2. I’m the same way but I have good news! Eventually you reach the saturation point where there are so many lost chap-sticks that you can find them everywhere. … or perhaps that’s bad news…

  2. Oh gosh I’m doing this right now. I have a horrible head cold and have become a horrible germ. Since I’m always breathing through my moth it’s disgustingly horrible tasting and dry. Your images are exactly how I feel right now.

  3. This winter (2015/16) I started rubbing coconut oil on my lips before bed & in morning, too. No chapped lips ALL winter! Also works on those little kitty scratches that get red & puffy.

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