Just Say No

13 thoughts on “Just Say No

  1. Are you really surprised Cricket that Scurvy, a cursed pirate cat, would have drugs? What part of ‘pirate’ did you not get?

    1. Ah, Cricket, you are so innocent…

  2. Its not drugs, its Catnip. I mean if it were bad for me why would they sell catnip tea. Soooooooo relaxing, I could just float away. wheeeeeeeee ahhhh good times

    1. Seriously? They make catnip tea? That’s pretty cool!

        1. I can only presume that that is spam, which is kind of sad.

        2. Oh wait sorry, I am mistaken, it is a link to catnip tea.

        3. That would have been some pretty accurate spam XD (the spam I receive on this site is usually stuff like, “I am liking you’re article. Is verry informative etc.”

          I might have to order some of that tea, though…

      1. WHOOO!! The Queen has replied to my thread. I am the Duke of the thread.

        I use to grow my own catnip just for tea (“I swear officer, it is catnip. You know I am filing a formal complaint over this illegal seizure. I know you have seen actual cannabis plants before in training. Really, you are trying to claim that you believe this to be a new strain?”) Anyway, my mother grew up on a farm and told me about the plant, her uncles would pick some that grew wild, just to chew on it, on the way back from the outhouse in the evenings.

        PS: TY Pae for that link, I have missed my catnip.

        1. Please tell me that comical tale with the police is true! Because catnip looks NOThing like cannabis…It’s a kind of mint for heaven’s sake. My Mom had mint grow up wild in our yard, and while I didn’t have an outhouse to walk to and from, I chewed on that stuff all the time. It’s actually a decent cold remedy as well.

        2. Should we be concerned that you know what cannabis looks like? Is that the secret source of all these characters?

        3. Only slightly true, the Sheriff did have to convince the officer that I knew what I was talking about. Having the boss on your side is always a good thing.

          @bardcrest – most people know what cannabis leafs look like, you just might not know it. It is on a lot of things from shirts to mugs to medical dispensaries.

        4. @Gilhelmi

          I know what marjuana looks and smells like. I deal with enough pot heads that crack their heads open doing this ‘really cool thing, that is going to totally be awesome just watch’

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