#313 Halloween Costumes 2012

33 thoughts on “#313 Halloween Costumes 2012

  1. This is AMAZING!!! <3
    Can I put this as my desktop background?

    1. I don’t see why not, I’d be honored!

  2. … Okay, I get everyone but Kuro. What is he supposed to be?

    1. Kuro’s my most obscure costume, to be sure! I’ll spill the beans in the blog tomorrow!

  3. Some awesome costumes there. hehe LOVE Taffy’s and PoJo’s. Though they’re all pretty sweet (especially Jake. hehe)

    1. Heya, thanks! I think PoJo rocks the goatee pretty well!

  4. Okay…let’s see if I have all these right:
    Taffy – Nyan cat
    PoJo – Tony Stark
    Tacit – Cat woman (very appropriate) from the Batman cartoon from the early 90s
    Gatekeeper – Ghost Buster
    Wendy – Finn from Adventure Time
    Pine – Frankenstien
    Sausage – Vampire
    Cricket – Clown?
    Del – a color sprite from Rainbow Bright
    Jazz – Kyoshi Warrior

    Can not figure out who Scurvy and Kuro are supposed to be.


      Pine – Frankenstein’s MONSTER

      1. FrankenPINE’s Monster XD

    2. Good guess on Del, but nope (though I might have to steal that idea in the future. All the others are right on the mark, though Kurochka’s the toughest one…I plan on revealing all tomorrow, I wanna see if anyone can get him!

    3. Del is Navi from Ocarina of Time.

  5. Scurvy is Psy from the Gangnam Style video I thing, and I think Kuro kinda looks like Sly Cooper.

    1. Good guess for Kuro, but nope. No one’s guessed his yet, it’s pretty obscure!

  6. what? I know Rummy J’s off doing her own thing, but IT’S HALLOWEEN!!!!!

    But anyway,
    Cricket’s pinkie pie
    Del’s um,.. that fairy from Zelda
    Jazz is from Avatar the last airbender?

    1. I’ve never been able to convince Rummy J to dress up…

  7. Scurvy is the Gangam Style guy. Del is Navi, from the later Zelda game. Kuro has me stumped as the moment, but I have a feeling I should know the answer and once told I will facepalm.

    1. Hee hee! Kurocka’s the challenge costume this year!

      1. The more I stare, the more frustrated (in that good way) I get. I’m sure you will hear my head hitting the desk with a resounding “DOH!” from where you are once you reveal the costume.

        1. mwahahahaha! I mean…sorry!

  8. Scurvy is the guy from Gangnam Style. The band name is Psy.

  9. Cricket is Pinkie Pie.. I don’t know the other two either. Sad.

  10. Danielle Singleton

    Paul Bunyun’s Big Blue Ox?

    1. Danielle Singleton

      Just kidding, I didn’t see the legs/feet until now.

      1. Not a bad guess (especially since I’ve considered dressing him up as Babe before), but nope! All will be revealed in the blog tomorrow, though I think Kuro’s the only one that’s stumped everyone.

        1. SQ, the public DEMANDS to know who Kuro is supposed to be. As for cricket. Now I see her as being pinky pie and Scurvy seems so obvious now.

        2. Secret is out! Just put up the blog!

  11. oh i seen that moovie! It was great! only i was like 7, so then it wasnt so entertainting. But then again, blues clues was.

  12. I’m going to guess– The Beast from X-men.

    A little late, I know, but I see no blog entry…

    1. Oh yeah, the blog entry was from awhile back: and can be found here!

      OR I can just tell you that Kurochka was dressed as the Chief Blue Meanie from Yellow Submarine ^_^

      1. Wow. That /is/ obscure…

        1. Heh. Yeah…In hindsight, I wish I hadn’t covered up his legs, it would have helped a LITTLE bit if you could see them.

        2. Yeah, there’s a decent(-ish) chance I would have guessed it had I seen them.
          “Yes, your Blueness!”

        3. Yeh, I draw all the characters separately and then composite them together. Kurochka always ends up in the back since he’s the tallest ^_^;

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