Halloween Candy

19 thoughts on “Halloween Candy

  1. Laffy Taffy the destroyer of many a relationship and since of humor.

    1. This is true. Although it IS funny to watch Raf wrack his brain trying to come up with what will probably be The Most Obvious Answer In Life. XD

  2. another punchline is: alaska

    I’ll ask

    1. Ha! You’re right…It can be like that riddle in Alice and Wonderland: “Why is a raven like a writing desk?” Carroll never answered it in the story, but there’s a TON of different answers out there. My favorite: “Because Edgar Allen Poe wrote on both of them.”

  3. YAY for Delaware 😀

    1. I must confess, I’ve never been.

      1. Then I invite you to come.

  4. Haha! I do that to my dad all the time. 😀

    1. Hee hee! Awesome!

  5. I think we are all glossing over a very important matter here: How do you still have candy left over from Halloween?

    1. *shrug* I over-bought for the ZERO trick-or-treaters we got.

      1. Hurricanes generated torrential rainfall can be so hard on your make up.

  6. Actually, when I was a kid the joke went a little differently:

    “When she went to the Boston Tea Party, what did Delaware?”
    “Idaho, Alaska!”

    (say it out loud a couple times, then come back and ask if you still don’t get it, heh)

    1. HA! Nice.

    2. That version is epic

  7. Inky Quills. That is why a writing desk and a raven are alike. This is also my third trip through your LOAS archives.

    1. That’s a good one too! There’s a bunch of different answers to that riddle…

  8. That is one of my favorite jokes

  9. I love laffy taffy jokes. Most of them are stupidly funny. Mostly, I love asking my friends or family and watching them try to figure out the answer.

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