Work Call

14 thoughts on “Work Call

  1. WHAT? You didn’t bother to call ME! And it so happens that’s the very limited addition candy-colored pony i’ve been pining for! *such dramatic gasping!”

    (Just kidding. Of coarse I know you TRIED to call….)

    1. Over and over. YOU NEVER ANSWER MY CALLS XD

      For what it’s worth, I keep seeing that particular pony all over the place now.

  2. Ponies are amazing. I can’t wait for the new episode in a few days! I love being and being able to buy all the ponies I want. I AM NOT ASHAMED!


      Oh God, I have so many ponies…

      1. The latest episode is the best because it combined shiny things and ponies!!

        1. Yessssss! I rather enjoyed it (even though The Fans were all complaining on FB). I’ll admit, I wish the villain had been more present, but over all, it was fun. I certainly laughed, which is always a good time for me!

      2. My moose plushies are better than your ponies. They are soft and cuddly and a couple are over three feet tall. They may also multiply while I sleep.

        1. Your house must be pretty full of mooses by now!

        2. They take up almost all the counter space outside the kitchen, several book shelves plus one whole book case, hang from the dining room chandelier, the headboard, and the string of led christmas lights in the living room as well as lurking in any other suitably stable comfy spot they can find.

        3. Them’s a lot a meeces!

        4. You have many wonderful moosen.

    2. I met a Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy cosplay at Neko-Con. They were both aoeswme but the Fluttershy cosplayer not only pulled off the look but did the famous Yay to a T. That convinced me that Fluttershy was indeed best pony. Okay second only to Rainbow Dash. Fav cosplay is definitely the Rainbow Dash in the Dance group.

  3. And then you did it AGAIN.


    1. mwahahahaha.

      Admit it: Those ponies are awesome.

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