
17 thoughts on “Chair

  1. But what SORT of secrets would you conceal within the chair? Would they be the mysteries of the ages, or the hidden egg of some foul monster which, when warmed by enough behinds will hatch and rampage around the city gathering souls to feed you, its master?

    1. Actually, I DID make a secret and intended to put it inside the chair, but didn’t because I’m pretty sure that NO ONE ELSE would actually put their hand in the underside of a chair like this…So I took it home with me…and promptly lost the secret. boo.

      1. Well you have to think, YOU put your hands there-someone else is bound to do it eventually. I think you should put secrets in the chair-it would be like a message in a bottle-someone from the future could find your secrets-gasp i need a chair to put secrets in!

        1. This is true, I can’t be the only person willing to stick my hands in furniture. I’d actually fully intended to put a secret in there, but then figured no one would actually find it!

  2. Silly Wendy. The first rule of chair secrets is: you do not talk about CHAIR SECRETS. The second rule of course is: You DO NOT talk about chair secrets.

    If you talk about your chair secrets out-loud, then it defeats the point of them being secrets.

    1. Tis true…Unless someone NEW came in and found them without having HEARD about the chair secrets…

      1. Well that is easy to fix. You put the secret in the chair as well as note explaining the glory of chair secrets.

        1. I can’t exPLAIN chair secrets! That would make them….less secretive…

  3. perhaps someone DID put their hand in there and found the previous placer of chair secret’s secret chair secret and took it home, leaving poor you, the potential next placer of the chair secrets secret chair secret, doubting that there ever was, or is to be another secret chair secret. but if you did actually know, then it wouldnt be a secret. so maybe the secret WAS that there was no actual secret. but now you know, so it can’t be a secret. unless you’re knowing is the NEW secret. so shhhh! it’s a secret!

    secret is an odd word, is it not? heheh. sorry.

    1. Heh, it’s that thing where when you say/type a word too many times, and it starts to look all weird and stuff.

      Either way, I’m really starting to feel like I SHOULD have left something in the chair. It would have been like secret-karma or something.

  4. I do apologize for my rambling :0 though it was intentionally confusing :p it would also take an equally confusing person to make sense of it. 8(

    1. XD I can be pretty confusing…also, logic rarely has any bearing on my daily existence.

      ALSO, also: rambling is pretty awesome, and encouraged.

  5. Imagine, if you will, writing over 50,000 words of a novel, then somehow converting every letter and number in the whole thing to a’s instead of the vagaries and variety that made it a story into the longest, most punctuated lost thought aaaa EVER.

    1. That actually sounds rather terrifying.

  6. Geocache. The end

    1. That’d be a great Geo Cache!

      1. Except you’d have to go back everyday & make sure no one moved the chair!

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