Favorite Foods

15 thoughts on “Favorite Foods

  1. Can’t we all just get along and eat cheese covered bacon?

    1. That…..that would be wonderful! 🙂 mmmmm cheese and bacon

      1. One of the best combinations there is! Hrm…I gotta make that part of my life in the near future.

    2. Yes, I suppose we can…as long as there is bacon to be had. Don’t get me wrong, I am a cheese nut…but there’s just something about bacon!

  2. He’s also dead to all Canadians.

    1. Hahaha! I’ll have to tell her that XD

  3. There are few things better than chocolate covered bacon. Its sweet, its salty, its creamy its fatty, and all around goodness.

    1. I whole heartedly agree! I always succumb to it’s deliciousness at carnivals an Ren Fairs.

      1. Try chocolate flavored almond bark covered Bacon. It is so good, and your lactose intolerant friends can have some too!

  4. The greatest thing about both bacon and cheese is their complete lack of any carbohydrates. As a diabetic, they are one of the few delicious things that I don’t have to bleed before eating.

  5. Or you can have the ulitmate combo: Cheeze AND Bacon.
    The salt, the creamyness of the cheese, the fats, the smooth slice, the crisp crunch… drool.

  6. How bout Chocolate Chip BACON cookies!!!


  7. Way late to the party, but I have to chip in with: Deep fried breaded bacon coated in a cheese fondue.

  8. You people all scare me. (O~O)

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