#404 Digging

7 thoughts on “#404 Digging

  1. I just want to be the one to say that digging large holes in sand is very very dangerous. It could collapse on you at any moment and you will suffocate.

    This concludes your dispatch from Duke Buzz-Killington

  2. Also I would like to point out that Taffy is being a BIG help! And apparently when they fell they have the forethought to take their floating toy with them for companionship.

    1. Taffy is about the worst help ever.

  3. enter the mole people

  4. It is obvious in panel #5, Cricket grabbed for something… anything that wasn’t sand… which may stop her fall into the hole. That ‘something’ turned up to be her inflatable ‘horsey’.

    1. Yep, unfortunately Inflatable Horse Thing is about as helpful as Taffy in this situation!

  5. great page

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