#398 It Lives…AGAIN!

9 thoughts on “#398 It Lives…AGAIN!

  1. Oh no… the TAIL! *shudder*


      You know…sorta.

  2. Yes, that the tail came off is a bit surprising. An even bigger surprise is the tail can make a sound (somewhat like a lizard’s tail gets its own movement when removed to attract the predator’s attention). The biggest surprise is the tail seems self aware (unlike said lizard’s tail).

    Now, can the tail be reconnected or another be grown? Is the tail now its own character?

    Who knows what evil lurks in that tail?

    The shadow knows.

  3. I know every comedy team needs a straight man, but I think this is getting to wear poor Pojo down.

    1. Poor PoJo, I DO feel bad for him at times…..

  4. Sooner or later, somebody will want to say it, so I’ll get it out of the way…

    Pojo got tail.

  5. POJO: “So to answer your question. It looks a little bit like that only graier.”

    Seth MacFarlane can sue me if he really wants to do so.

  6. wasn’t expecting that

    1. XD Few people would.

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