#337 Smirk

8 thoughts on “#337 Smirk

  1. I like the guy chanting math in the corner. ^.^

    1. Haha, yeah, that’s the crazy Pigeon Lady from an earlier exploit!

  2. I have been reading On The Couch for a while now. I do have to say I love every moment reading this series. Mostly because your writing never gets dull. I’ve reread OTC several times and I most possibly will start from the beginning again. Just wanted to take the time to say I appreciate these comics very much!~

    1. Well thank you so much for taking the time to tell me so ^_^ I’m really glad you’re enjoying them so much, these guys are a lot of fun to write for!

  3. Oh Math!

    1. I did not notice that yells math at pigeons lady’s ‘exclaimation’ until you pointed it out. Good eye.

      Also FINALLY calling upon an ally that makes some sense. GO COLOSSAL SQUID!!!!

  4. alright, so Del speaks Nyrg-fish and Nyrg-fish have impecable relationships with other, more threatening, sea creatures. Let’s hear about those nightmares now, Rummy J!

    1. I imagine she’s gonna have some doozies.

      I figure nightmares of the ocean would stick together XD

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