Krampus Nacht

6 thoughts on “Krampus Nacht

  1. I just feel the need to say that I do not think that the Krampus in panel one is scary in anyway shape or form. He just isn’t. The Krampus in the last panel of the previous comic though, he was a work of true art.

    1. I think Krampus can kind of turn the creepiness on and off at his leisure. I picture him as more of a Fey-creature, so I figure he can make folks see him as he wants to be seen.

      Oh, and thanks, I’m really glad you liked his first appearance!

  2. well if we’re on teh subject of krampu’s appearance- I just love the way he looks in the forth panel. so smug,and as intimidating a blue guy with no pants can be, Krampus is the boss (at least of small children)

    1. I agree. The fourth panel Krampus just screams, let go of my tongue if you don’t want me to bite off your hand.

  3. heh i only just now noticed one of Krampus’s feet is a humanoid foot and the other is a hoof

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