American As Fried Apple Pie…

12 thoughts on “American As Fried Apple Pie…

  1. Man I miss those fried pies.

  2. Come to Australia. We still have them =D


      1. Better not tell her about Violet Crumble!

        1. TELL me about Violet Crumble….

  3. My god I wish they made fried pies here.

    1. They are a marvelous and glorious thing.

  4. Some KFC’s have a deep fried apple pie that is very similar to the original McDonald’s fried apple pies. The fill the occasional craving.

    1. Oh! I didn’t know that. Krystal’s also offers a very similar pie….with a delicious crackle-y, bubbly crust….mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….


  5. 15 years? I worked at a McDonalds like… 7 years ago that still made them…

    1. H’okay, I looked this up! They “officially” stopped doing the deep-fried apple pie in 1992, BUT! There were/are a few rebellious locations that still fry ’em!

      I’ve just started getting my fix from Krystal (or White Castle if you’re in a more northerly clime), since they don’t care about my arteries and still sell ’em!

  6. Guess I hadn’t noticed.

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