#828 Packing

17 thoughts on “#828 Packing

  1. Midnight a Walmart is not a good look for you.

    1. There are worse things to do at Walmart around midnight. Like buying tools and a car battery in the middle of a cross-country drive, and replacing said battery in the parking lot only to find ~50 miles later that the problem was your alternator all along and you end up stranded three miles east of a tiny town you never knew existed before you got stranded there at 2 a.m. (hello, Oakley, KS).

  2. Ha, where do you start with this one?!

    – how hard is it to manage without jammies for a night or two? My wife doesn’t possess any
    – apparently – I assume – Wendy managed to forget to pack something she was actually wearing at the time ..

    hint for the future: dress normally and then pack enough of what you have on to see you through until you get back. That only leaves you stuff like toothbrushes to forget

    1. Oddly enough, I’ve don’t think I’ve ever forgotten my toothbrush. And my parents have spares at the house anyway.

  3. .. and so here I am at the present day, having over some months – on and off – wandered through the whole of Devil’s Panties and now of Life on a Stick ..
    I don’t know which I like best but I love you both a lot. Thank you very, very much. Drawing stick figures might look easy but I think the way you do it, it isn’t at all. So expressive ..
    I hope you both get really really rich .. happy to buy a few books as presents, are there any yet?

    1. Aw, thank you so much for the kind words, I’m glad you’re enjoying the comics!

      No books yet, but I definitely want to get some printed!


    1. /Dr. Weird

      1. MOAR CORN!

        1. Bwahahahaha!

          Glob, I haven’t thought about that in ages.

  5. I have a brain like a sieve. I make lists. Lots and lots of lists.i cross things off as I pack them. …it took me till I was 40 to learn this behavior.

  6. Always double check

  7. If it makes you feel better I managed to forget our daughter’s entire suitcase this summer. Oh, and the nearest place that it was safe to go shopping (i.e. there wasn’t a risk that something essential wouldn’t be there, and doubling back would be needed) was almost 100km away. It took my mom & husband pretty much all day to go & get back (I had to stay with the baby, as he would have gotten car sick again) with her due to the fact that the highway (only one obviously) was being paved, so they kept having to wait to get flagged through.

    Just look what you have to look forward to once your daughter is old enough to want to be independent, but not old enough to actually be made responsible for her own stuff!

    1. Oh man, I’m glad my folks only live a handful of hours away in the wilds of suburbia!

      Xena’s rapidly approaching that age, though!

  8. omg this happened to my husband

  9. This is why I always write out a list of things to pack. This also helps me remember to repack them for the return trip home.

  10. I simplified the non-clothing part of my packing: wrote the list of items on the resealable gallon plastic bags that stayed in my suitcase. It worked!

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