#800 800 Comics and Going Strong!

8 thoughts on “#800 800 Comics and Going Strong!

  1. Woo! DCCC! Congrats!

  2. You are welcome. Love you comic. Still reading through the first time, actually. 🙂

  3. Congrats on 800

  4. Huzzah and congratulations!!

  5. However badly it ended up being formatted I would still pay top dollar for a book of these. If you ever, ya know. Just your sheer skill at panel timing and capturing the comedic drop, coupled with incredibly expressive line work and gesture, not to mention the hijinks… this is actually one of my fave webcomics ever.

    1. Formatting is definitely one of my hurdles, also figuring out how many I should include in a book (as just one would be tremendously large!). I can’t promise a timeline, but I do still want to put together books!

  6. Yay! Congrats on 800 comics!

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