
5 thoughts on “Loas88

  1. I don’t mind piercings, but is it that hard to empathize with a person who is skeeved out that someone poked holes in themselves?

    1. Not at all. Frankly, I’m terrified of piercings in general. It’s difficult for me to empathize with someone who judges someone else completely based on appearance.

      1. Sadly until mind reading becomes practical, we will be forced to make our intentional judgements about someone based on appearance. Not saying they are always right for example. If one looked at this comic series one might at first make the assumption that not only do you have a severe case an anorexia but you have a very unhealthy perception of the weight of those around you even people you do not personally know. Such as this man who you clearly believe to be as rail thin/skinny as you see yourself and everyone else in your life. Either that or you are not a very good artist. If one actually bothered to look at your other comic series though those assumptions would be disproven.

        1. I don’t need to see the other comic to know that Surly is a good artist. I can see the expressions on the characters. Expressions that accurately convey a message, with and without words.

          And it’s not really what he is saying, but how he is saying it (in my opinion, obviously). He doesn’t even want to hear how the girl is actually a very nice person, he sees her as disgusting due only to her having piercings.

          If he’d said “Oh. Well, I find piercings to be disgusting.” she may have said, “Yeah, so do I. But to each their own.” or some such. But no, he’s insistent that she is disgusting, abhorrent, revolting, etc.

          So he’s making the statement that he doesn’t care who a person is, if they have piercings (and we don’t even know where, or how many piercings she has), they are disgusting.

          I know I’d have to walk away from him as well. He sounds like a very judgmental pos, and not someone worth losing my job over. But hey, that’s just my opinion.

  2. I notice she isn’t wearing the crown, and that makes me lol even more. XD

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