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Hoo boy, here we go.

Man, I 100% forgot Today was Halloween until I was  setting up my posts for the week! Please enjoy Raf...

I'm not even sure what that phrase would mean if it was a thing....Something about an unfortunate bathroom experience.

Honestly, the fact that she knows what a DVD is is kinda impressive in this day and age.

The Art Lair is kinda....That Room in the house. It's very easy to hide/lose things in there.

True friends are the ones that bring you lil skellies and mummies.


Whoever declares second is the copy-cat. I don't make the rules.

Why yes I did drink an entire pot of tea whilst watching a spooky movie (A Haunting in Venice).

I do try to stay out of politics on here, but I'm still paying attention to it. In other news,...