…Sounds like one of my Dad’s cars. He has owned, or has known someone who owned every car made before 1989 and every single one of them was a piece of junk.
Your brain should have an automatic pause switch that trips when you’re warm and comfy, whether in a bath or trying to go to sleep or lying in the sun or just sitting on the couch with a hot chocolate. “Not listening, be quiet or go away”, any kind of chocolate should trip it instantly 🙂
It depends on the storm, blizzards sound the nicest but you have to deal with the snow afterward and the power often goes out.
Thunderstorms are my favourite, we get them a lot around here, sometimes the wind knocks the power out too but it’s not as cold, it’s just the animals that have problems with them. The dog we have now doesn’t bat an eye and usually sleeps through them but one of the others we had before tried to crawl under the carpet…literally 🙁
I’m glad you’re all okay. I know some regions experienced destruction and fatalities. We don’t experience tornadoes nearly as much as your part of the country, but Maryland still gets them *way* more than Massachusetts. It’s been years and I still find it startling and upsetting. (Not to mention spring is too early this year – hope that’s not a bad sign!)
So far Spring is right on schedule, until someone rewrites the schedule and changes or ignores the old records…again.
That’s the problem with having lived through a lot of winters, you had to live through them but you also remember it when someone tells you what they were like who weren’t there.
We had a ‘good’ winter this year, I’ve seen worse and I’ve seen better but this one was pretty good…so far. There’s lots of time for the customary ‘April Fool’s storm’ yet, one of the worst blizzards I’ve ever seen was on my sister’s birthday in early April, the Spring ones drop a lot more heavy wet snow because there’s more moisture in the air and it isn’t as cold and that causes a lot more damage if the buds and leaves are out and it has something to stick to, storms knock over more trees in the spring and summer than the fall and winter.
The stereo in our living room has dual casette decks so you can record between them, it has a five CD changer sitting on top of that, an 8-track player on top of that, and a turntable-to-MP3 converter sitting beside them, two bookshelves full of CD’s, LP’s and tapes, but all anyone ever listens to anymore is the music on youtube…
So we have birds which I honestly thought would be less destructive than having cats by nope. If there is a piece of paper, cardboard, or string exposed they will chew it to shreds.
I have heard this about birds, and seen videos of them ripping up upholstery too! I love birds, but ultimately, I will enjoy them outside or in other people’s homes ^_^;;
I went from considering “will the cats wreck this ?” when buying things to “will the kids or the cats wreck this ?” back to just “will the cats wreck this ?”…the circle of life for ornaments.
The two most important questions! My first cat, Harley was probably the most well-behaved cat ever, she spoiled me as I rarely had to keep her away from things she didn’t belong in. Xena is generally a pretty careful kid as well, and anyway, she’s old enough irl that I don’t really have to worry about that kind of thing anymore!
Various cats over the years have destroyed almost everything, xmas ornaments from the 1920’s, heavy ceramic ones my late sister-in-law made for us almost fifty years ago, things from various places one or both of us has been that can’t be replaced, they even managed to wreck a huge cast brass vase !!! But, we’re looking for another kitten since the cat we have now is getting old and the mice outside that want in aren’t.
This is also one reason why every flat surface in the house is piled high with things, to keep the cat from jumping up. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it. It sounds better than calling the dining room table my ‘flat filing cabinet’ 🙂
Some of the best times we had when the kids were teenagers were rewatching Lord of The Rings movies, or any other really, and commenting on which spells/feats/skills the characters were using and what they could have done or should be doing next and I distinctly remember the phrase “feast on their bloody corpses” in there somewhere, probably from the youngest 🙂
This comic strip reminds me so much of our house, in more ways than one 🙂
I can’t wait to watch the LotR movies with Xena. We just finished The Hobbit and I wasn’t sure if she’d want me to read LotR to her, but she was very excited to learn there were “more books about the hobbits” so we’ve recently started Fellowship!
And I’m really glad I can bring back good family memories ^_^
Our oldest took The Hobbit to school around grade four or so for his ‘quiet time book’ and used the ‘brown beer’ poem when everyone had to memorize one to recite.
When our youngest was in about the same grade I got a call from his teacher saying he’d brought an ‘inappropriate’ book to school for his ‘quiet time’ one…Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy…I agreed with her, not because it was above the class level so therefore ‘inappropriate’ compared to the others, wich wasa her concern, but because he’d read it more then once already so he took another one, I can’t remember which one but I think it was Harry Harrison’s ‘Deathworld Trilogy’ one of my favourites 🙂
At least it wasn’t some fake AI voice that can’t handle pronounciations or sentence ‘flow’, why can’t they just use their own ? No matter how bad they think they sound it can’t be as bad as one of those.
One thought on “#1532 It’s Time”
…Sounds like one of my Dad’s cars. He has owned, or has known someone who owned every car made before 1989 and every single one of them was a piece of junk.
Hope you’re new one is not like that. ^_^
One thought on “#1531 Second Wind”
The internet has brought us instant international gossip with people we don’t know, this may or may not be a ‘good thing’ but it does kill time 🙂
2 thoughts on “#1530 Trying Times”
Ale-Eight-One Ohmu
No wonder ignorance is bliss.
Your brain should have an automatic pause switch that trips when you’re warm and comfy, whether in a bath or trying to go to sleep or lying in the sun or just sitting on the couch with a hot chocolate. “Not listening, be quiet or go away”, any kind of chocolate should trip it instantly 🙂
3 thoughts on “#1529 Weather”
It depends on the storm, blizzards sound the nicest but you have to deal with the snow afterward and the power often goes out.
Thunderstorms are my favourite, we get them a lot around here, sometimes the wind knocks the power out too but it’s not as cold, it’s just the animals that have problems with them. The dog we have now doesn’t bat an eye and usually sleeps through them but one of the others we had before tried to crawl under the carpet…literally 🙁
I’m glad you’re all okay. I know some regions experienced destruction and fatalities. We don’t experience tornadoes nearly as much as your part of the country, but Maryland still gets them *way* more than Massachusetts. It’s been years and I still find it startling and upsetting. (Not to mention spring is too early this year – hope that’s not a bad sign!)
So far Spring is right on schedule, until someone rewrites the schedule and changes or ignores the old records…again.
That’s the problem with having lived through a lot of winters, you had to live through them but you also remember it when someone tells you what they were like who weren’t there.
We had a ‘good’ winter this year, I’ve seen worse and I’ve seen better but this one was pretty good…so far. There’s lots of time for the customary ‘April Fool’s storm’ yet, one of the worst blizzards I’ve ever seen was on my sister’s birthday in early April, the Spring ones drop a lot more heavy wet snow because there’s more moisture in the air and it isn’t as cold and that causes a lot more damage if the buds and leaves are out and it has something to stick to, storms knock over more trees in the spring and summer than the fall and winter.
One thought on “#1528 Media”
The stereo in our living room has dual casette decks so you can record between them, it has a five CD changer sitting on top of that, an 8-track player on top of that, and a turntable-to-MP3 converter sitting beside them, two bookshelves full of CD’s, LP’s and tapes, but all anyone ever listens to anymore is the music on youtube…
3 thoughts on “#1527 Parking”
Ale-Eight-One Ohmu
And I thought our city’s parking was nuts.
What’s annoying is when you get a parking ticket from the strolling Commissionaire stamped 5:58 when free parking starts at 6:00
Yes, it is! We were in Decatur a couple months ago and left a lot for the same reason!
8 thoughts on “#1525 Accommodations”
So we have birds which I honestly thought would be less destructive than having cats by nope. If there is a piece of paper, cardboard, or string exposed they will chew it to shreds.
I have heard this about birds, and seen videos of them ripping up upholstery too! I love birds, but ultimately, I will enjoy them outside or in other people’s homes ^_^;;
I went from considering “will the cats wreck this ?” when buying things to “will the kids or the cats wreck this ?” back to just “will the cats wreck this ?”…the circle of life for ornaments.
The two most important questions! My first cat, Harley was probably the most well-behaved cat ever, she spoiled me as I rarely had to keep her away from things she didn’t belong in. Xena is generally a pretty careful kid as well, and anyway, she’s old enough irl that I don’t really have to worry about that kind of thing anymore!
Various cats over the years have destroyed almost everything, xmas ornaments from the 1920’s, heavy ceramic ones my late sister-in-law made for us almost fifty years ago, things from various places one or both of us has been that can’t be replaced, they even managed to wreck a huge cast brass vase !!! But, we’re looking for another kitten since the cat we have now is getting old and the mice outside that want in aren’t.
This is also one reason why every flat surface in the house is piled high with things, to keep the cat from jumping up. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it. It sounds better than calling the dining room table my ‘flat filing cabinet’ 🙂
I will file this away for future use XD
We had to take the dining room table apart to get the drywall and floor redone and I burned out the shredder…
7 thoughts on “#1524 Genetic”
What were you watching?
It was one of the Downton Abbey movies! Xena came in at the very end after school XD
Does this mean the feast is cancelled ?
Not necessarily…..
Some of the best times we had when the kids were teenagers were rewatching Lord of The Rings movies, or any other really, and commenting on which spells/feats/skills the characters were using and what they could have done or should be doing next and I distinctly remember the phrase “feast on their bloody corpses” in there somewhere, probably from the youngest 🙂
This comic strip reminds me so much of our house, in more ways than one 🙂
I can’t wait to watch the LotR movies with Xena. We just finished The Hobbit and I wasn’t sure if she’d want me to read LotR to her, but she was very excited to learn there were “more books about the hobbits” so we’ve recently started Fellowship!
And I’m really glad I can bring back good family memories ^_^
Our oldest took The Hobbit to school around grade four or so for his ‘quiet time book’ and used the ‘brown beer’ poem when everyone had to memorize one to recite.
When our youngest was in about the same grade I got a call from his teacher saying he’d brought an ‘inappropriate’ book to school for his ‘quiet time’ one…Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy…I agreed with her, not because it was above the class level so therefore ‘inappropriate’ compared to the others, wich wasa her concern, but because he’d read it more then once already so he took another one, I can’t remember which one but I think it was Harry Harrison’s ‘Deathworld Trilogy’ one of my favourites 🙂
2 thoughts on “#1523 Petty”
At least it wasn’t some fake AI voice that can’t handle pronounciations or sentence ‘flow’, why can’t they just use their own ? No matter how bad they think they sound it can’t be as bad as one of those.
I’m so over the AI voiceovers. Particularly the one that sounds like a bad Spongebob impression.
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